Urban environments predominantly feature in my work. I grew up in Birmingham and since I've moved to Brighton the natural landscape and its relationship with the city has featured more so in my work. By taking photographs, working from drawings and direct memories I aim to capture places as I experience them and try to reflect elements that effect the landscape in my prints. For example light and space typically feature in my work of Brighton in contrast to the bolder and larger structures of Birmingham city centre.
Cities and urban environments are constantly being re-developed. I aim to capture what some consider as ugly or bland buildings that people see everyday but may not take notice of. Overcast weather, sea mists and ethereal light soften and abstract brash architecture, helping me to depict these structures at their most captivating.
The process I use to create my prints can be done without the use of a press, instead I use my own body weight to apply pressure. This allows me to control how much ink is transferred and to what intensity, achieving an image that is more evoking of a memory rather than a direct representation.